BUS RULES: (No Exceptions) (1) NO ONE under the age of 21 is permitted to consume alcohol. (2) No SMOKING in the vehicles. These Violations will result in early termination of service and Forfeiture of trip. (3)There will be a $200 cleaning surcharge for vomit incidents. (4) There will be a $100+ charge per broken or missing novelty/ bus items (Remotes, Radio, Speakers, etc.). (5) Persons who are unruly/disruptive/violent/displaying gang affiliation or conduct in illegal activities will be subject to be removed from vehicles at the discretion of the driver and no refund will be issued. (6) NO FIREARMS/WEAPONS (7) We are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property. (8) No illegal drug usage. VIOLATIONS IN ANY OF THESE ACTIVITIES WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE TERMINATION WITH FORFEITURE OF PAYMENT.
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We’ll contact this person only in case of emergency.